Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Toby Keith recently went into the audience of one of his concerts and offered to fight a fan right then and there. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that since the "fan" in question threw a beer at Toby and throwing a beer at someone seems to be a proposition to fight if there ever was one. Fighting isn't inherently cool, but neither is throwing beers at people, even if they wear sleeveless flannel, endorse pickup trucks and sing about placing boots in various body orifices. It seems like people are doing more and more things that are dangerous, offensive or simply annoying because fewer and fewer actions are being reciprocated with appropriate responses. In the grand scheme of things, the world would probably be better off with one less stupid Toby Keith fan than one less Toby Keith. At least Toby Keith's music doesn't manifest itself in the forms of bad drivers, loud neighbors and obnoxious coworkers, among manymanymanymany other things. So yeah, Toby Keith should be welcome to offer to fight any of his fans, only hopefully next time he'll be able to follow through.

Maybe Christopher Walken would offer to fight someone if they told him he looked like a girl when he was a little younger. However, in the case of his appearance in The Deer Hunter, they'd be right.

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