Monday, February 16, 2009

Ok, time for some srs biz...

There is no such word as rediculous. No word is spelled like that, just like no word is pronounced "REE-dik-you-luss". However, there is a very handsome word ridiculous, which appropriately, is pronounced "ri-DIK-you-luss". Do people go around mistakingly spelling "ridicule" as "redicule"? Let's hope not.

Now a quick quiz. No cheating. Did William Shakespeare write A Midsummer's Night Dream or A Midsummer Night's Dream? Even if you know the answer, which do you say/hear more often?

Finally, this is not a picture of Samuel Adams at all. It's Paul Revere. Here's Sam.

1 comment:

Patrick Copeland said...

I used to be a serial abuser of the spelling "rediculous." It was a habit carried over from Middle School and one that I've hopefully rid from the typing that I type and stuff.