Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This business of embedding videos into posts is turning a bit addictive. Oh well, it's probaby more enjoyable that way. Maybe not this time, though. Although the following video of Joaquin Phoenix is quite amusing in parts, the underlying truth that the humor is directly linked to this guy's life being a complete trainwreck is not funny. He has lots of talent and lots of money, but clearly doesn't know how to make proper use of either. The story is still sadder when you consider his brother's fall from a potentially great career and life resulting from drug problems. Oh well, this will probably be making the rounds in the internet in the coming days, but just remember where you saw it first (or second or whatever):

So yeah, there's the good life personified by a guy making a complete fool of himself on national television. Thankfully Letterman doesn't really let him get away with it. At least that way the only person not in on the joke is Joaquin himself. 'Tis a shame.

12 Hours Later Update: Maybe it's a hoax?


Patrick Copeland said...

Letterman was pretty hilarious with his quick snips at Phoenix. My take is that is must be a hoax or building up to something. Sure, Phoenix is a little weird, but he's never been like this before.

Kevin Wilder said...
