Friday, February 13, 2009

Ok, so this Friday the 13th business is lame. It's an interesting thing to note, but carries about as much significance as tomorrow's "big major important holiday". If you're looking for a reason why Friday the 13th lore is hogwash, look no further than lunch today. Genghis Grill. Full lunch. Completely free. No strings attached. To quote Minus the Bear, boo-yah achieved.

It's been a fairly significant week as a result of having so many significant days. Yesterday would have been Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin's 200th birthday. Yep, they were born on the same day. 200 years, plus one day, ago. Clearly Darwin was more highly-evolved, as he managed to struggle on this mortal coil for 17 years and 4 days longer than Lincoln. This week also has the previously-mentioned, but always ubiquitous Friday the 13th, complete with release of the remake of the movie Friday the 13th. Then tomorrow is Valentine's Day, the one day where people are expected to truly care about each other. That's another entry for another day (not tomorrow, obviously), but it is a bit strange to set aside one day to reallyreallyreally act the way you're supposed to normally. Oh yes, there has to be the opportunity to spend all that money of course!

Just remember, if you fail to do something truly significant with your Thursday the 12th, Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th, just wait 'til next month. Of course everybody knows that in non-leap years, February and March have the same day of the week arrangement. Something about February having 28 days and 28 being divisible by 7...

Speaking of which, a "month", by most definitions, is only about 28 "days" long. Maybe every month should be 28 days, not just February. Then the days of the week would always relate to what day of the month it is. Picture if every "1st of the month" were a Sunday...or a Tuesday...or whatever. You'd always know what day of the week something happens on, just by knowing the date. Then again, the people fortunate to be born on whatever days are Friday and Saturday would have much more fun celebrating their birthdays than everyone else every year.

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