Saturday, January 23, 2010

You have not lived until you have scoured your local Kroger grocery store looking for wasabi mayonnaise, which you've never been able to find in previous attempts, only to find it, buy it, then have it poorly bagged, causing it to inadvertently roll out of the bag on the counter at home, hit the floor, cracking the sealed lid, which splatters a green glob of nasal-tingling deliciousness across the floor, but mercifully does not crack the jar, allowing the remainder of the product, that cost $4 in the first place, to be salvaged for future use.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a. If you try to exchange it they will definitely do it without even looking at you weirdly. (kroger on 8th?)

b. That's why I do self-checkout. (b/c of wasabi mayo)

c. There's a good asian market on 8th where you would better find such, for future reference!