Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How does this go unnoticed? Seriously, this is life-altering news and everyone just decided to keep it to themselves. Thank goodness the internet allows those who are behind the times to get their news 6 months late.

Ok, forget the link. You didn't click it anyway. Last season's winner of Survivor (which took place in Gabon) was...wait for it...Robert Crowley.

Nobody must watch this show anymore. Clearly they are too busy planning that week's Lost party. In related news, this season of Lost is almost over. Facebook executives are nervous because they're not sure if anyone will still find a use for their social networking website once people no longer need to use their Facebook status to do the following:

-Count down the seconds until the next Lost episode
-Compare their life to Lost
-Give a detailed breakdown of what they didn't do on a Wednesday night in order to watch Lost
-Complain about some other facet of life (including Presidential addresses) having the audacity to interfere with the broadcast of Lost
-Be the first person to post a spoiler from that night's episode of Lost
-Be the first to complain about other people posting spoilers from that night's episode of Lost
-Find a way to validate the results of a "Which Lost character are you?" quiz
-Express how great their friends are because they all enjoy Lost so much


Matt Stokes said...

waaaaaaah everyone likes Lost and I don't. waaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Patrick Copeland said...

I shall start calling you Bob. Done.